Error: The Account Period Has Closed
Error When Posting Sales Due to Inventory Start Date
Duplicate Document Number Error in Webgility Online
ErrorCode 6000: Business Validation Error: Make sure all your transactions have a GST/HST rate before you save
ErrorCode: 9999-Transaction currency is different from the currency of the account/customer/vendor you selected to sync. Please refer to your settings
Error Code: 6000 - Business Validation Error: Make sure all your transactions have a VAT rate before you save. Customer address updated in QuickBooks.
Order Rejected Because Item(s) Not Found in QuickBooks
Orders with Errors not being posted from Webgility Online
Error Code: 6000 - Business validation error: You need to activate this item before updating the quantity
ErrorCode : 6270 - You can’t create or modify a transaction with a date that comes before you started tracking quantity on hand. Please update items 'as of date' within Quickbooks.
How to troubleshoot "Order(s) Not Yet Recorded as Sales” error
Some product or other information referenced in the transaction has been updated or changed and needs to be synced before posting this record. Please refresh the sync settings and then try posting the record again
Business Validation Error: Something this action required is no longer available. Another user may have deleted it. Please refresh your screen to see the current information
How to solve the error “You have no items or one or more of your amounts is not associated with an item please enter an item”
How to View Error Details for an Order in Webgility Online
The Object Specified in the Request Cannot be Found. QuickBooks Error Message Invalid Argument the Specified Record Does Not Exist in the List
ErrorCode : 6270 - Transactions with Inventory (QOH) products can't be dated earlier than the Inventory Start Date for the products.
ErrorCode : 9999 - Error while creating new item [ ]: Required parameter Name is missing in the request
Resolve QuickBooks Business Validation Error: 6000
Business Validation Error: Please Choose an Account of Type Bank or Other Current Assets
Business Validation Error: The Discount Amount Can't be Greater than the Subtotal
Business Validation ErrorCode 6000 - Unexpected Internal Error. (-30000)
There is no income account associated with the item
Error: QuickBooks Encountered an Error While Calculating Tax" Issue
Business Validation Error: Enter a Transaction Amount That is 0 or Greater
The name supplied already exists. : Another customer, vendor or employee is already using this customer
Invalid Reference Id : Product/Service assigned to this transaction has been deleted.
Error code: 6000 - Please enable Multi-Currency in your accounting systems to perform this operation
ErrorCode: The customer you have specified has been deleted.
Error Code: 2210 - Invalid Email Address
ErrorCode: 2500 - Invalid Reference Id: This account has been deleted.
ErrorCode: - Object Not Found: Something you're trying to use has been made inactive. Check the fields with accounts, customers, items, vendors, or employees. Item successfully replaced
errRequired Parameter VendorRef is Missing In The Request
ErrorCode: 2390 - There is no income account associated with the item "There is no income account associated with the item "Test".
Error Code : 6000 - Business Validation Error: Subscription period has ended or canceled or there was a billing problem
Error: Select a product or service
ErrorCode: 2500 - Invalid Reference Id: Line.SalesItemLineDeatil.ItemRefCustomer address updated in Quickbook
ErrorCode: 10000 - System Failure Error: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "80000004-1293582298
Error Code 003100: InternalServerError (Status Code: 500)
AuthorizationFailure: --11014 - You do not have access to use QuickBooks Online. StatusCode: 401
ErrorCode: 6000 - Business Validation Error: An unexpected error occurred while accessing or saving your data. Please wait a few minutes and try again. If the problem persists contact customer support.
Error in [item]: The name supplied already exists.: Another Product or service is already using this name. Please use a different name.