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Some product or other information referenced in the transaction has been updated or changed and needs to be synced before posting this record. Please refresh the sync settings and then try posting the record again
Some product or other information referenced in the transaction has been updated or changed and needs to be synced before posting this record. Please refresh the sync settings and then try posting the record again

Some product or other information referenced in the transaction has been updated or changed

David Pond avatar
Written by David Pond
Updated over 6 months ago

Some product or other information referenced in the transaction has been updated or changed and needs to be synced before posting this record. Please refresh the sync settings and then try posting the record again.


This article will guide you on how to solve the order posting error “Error: Some product or other information referenced in the transaction has been updated or changed and needs to be synced before posting this record. Please refresh the sync settings and then try posting the record again.”.

Causes of Issues:

If data gets changed in QB related to items or customer information and does not match with the Webgility database you will receive this error at the time of order posting

Steps to resolve:

1). Download the latest accounting data in Webgility Online, navigate to Settings > Product

2). Under both the Product and Customer tabs there is a drop-down with options to Refresh the Latest Accounting Data and Download From Scratch.

3). Select Download from Scratch.

4). This option will download all products and customer information from scratch (when selected from their respective tabs).

Note: These steps are recommended; if the latest data from QuickBooks is not reflected in Webgility.

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