Orders Not Posting to QuickBooks When Using the Scheduler
The Scheduler in Webgility serves as an automation tool, handling tasks like order downloads, orders posting into QuickBooks, and inventory sync, based on setup,
If any selected features in the Scheduler settings are not functioning, it indicates a problem with the Scheduler itself.
The green icon indicates that the Scheduler is running.
Below are a few issues that can cause the Scheduler not to post orders into QuickBooks.
1). Check if there are duplicate instances of the Scheduler running in the background. If yes, disable (end the Scheduler process in the task manager) the unifyschduler.exe file and restart the Scheduler.
A. Start the task manager by pressing the Ctrl+Shift+Esc key on your keyboard or right-clicking on the bottom of the Windows taskbar.
B. In the task manager, click on the Details tab
2). If a precondition is selected in the Scheduler for posting an order, for example, it must be marked paid or shipped before posting to QuickBooks.
3). Review the Scheduler logs in the local disk at the specified location: C:\Webgility\UnifyEnterprise\SchedulerLog. In case of errors, such as missing items in QuickBooks or communication issues between Webgility and QuickBooks, orders may persist in the Scheduled tab. Address these errors first and then restart the Scheduler. How to Start or Stop the Scheduler
4). If orders are manually downloaded before activating the Scheduler for order posting, it's necessary to move the orders to the scheduled tab, as shown in the screenshot below.
5). Enable the "Retrieve Error Orders" option to fetch orders from the Error tab. If an order transitions from the Scheduled tab to the Error tab, it indicates an issue with the order that requires resolution. Once the error is addressed, the Scheduler will proceed to post that order into QuickBooks.
Please contact us at support@webgility.com, if the issue persists.