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QuickBooks Not Syncing - Webgility Online

This article is developed to cover the generic steps that can be followed if the orders in Webgility Online are not syncing to QuickBooks.

David Pond avatar
Written by David Pond
Updated over a week ago

QuickBooks Not Syncing

Step 1: Check if the orders show up in the Webgility Application

The very first step is to check if the orders are downloaded from the online store into the Webgility Online Application.

To check the orders we need to access Accounting> Orders and under the ‘New Orders’ tab the new orders should show up.

It might be possible that the orders went into the errors tab and were unable to sync to QuickBooks. In that case, please open the order from the ‘Errors’ tab and check the ‘History’ tab for the error details.

Step 2: What if the order is not available in the Webgility application?

If the order is not found in the Webgility application, please try to click on the ‘Refresh’ button as shown below and wait for a few minutes.

If the store connection is intact and the correct ‘Order Status’ is selected in the Webgility settings to pull the orders from the online store, the orders will download.

Check the Store Connection and order download settings

A). To check the Store Connection, please click on the Settings button (bottom left) and access connections.

Click on Edit> Update Credentials to reconnect the online store.

Note: This step only needs to be done if the ‘Store Credentials’ are changed on the online store and Webgility has lost its connection.

Disclaimer: In any given scenario, please do not disconnect the online store and reconnect in Webgility as that will clear all the previous data and settings.

B). To check the Order Download Settings, please click on "Order Settings"

Under the option ‘Status’ you would be able to select the order status which needs to be downloaded from the online store.

Step 3: Check the QuickBooks Connection

1). Connection with QuickBooks Online

If we are connected with QuickBooks Online, the connection usually remains intact until and unless the QuickBooks credentials get changed or the company file name gets changed.

In both the above scenarios, we can disconnect and reconnect (not recommended to be done frequently) QBO, but if the name of the company file changes then the configuration in Webgility will get reset upon reconnection.

2). Connection with QuickBooks Desktop

If we are connected with QuickBooks Desktop, The Webgility Extension should be up and running on the computer where ‘QuickBooks Desktop’ is installed and should be referencing the correct ‘QuickBooks Company File Location’

The icon can be found in the system tray at the bottom right-hand side of the Windows taskbar.

If the icon is not available, then you need to launch Webgility and right-click on the Webgility Extension icon and click on ‘Manual sync now

Note: The Webgility Extension icon times out due to inactivity in a couple of hours. A ‘Manual Sync’ is needed to be done to reactivate the extension.

I you need to check the QuickBooks connection we can use the option ‘Reconnect to QuickBooks’ and copy the company file path/location to make sure QuickBooks is open from the same path/location that has been entered in Webgility.

To check from which path the QuickBooks file is currently open, please open QuickBooks and press the ‘F2’ button (in case of a laptop, try fn+F2) and copy the path.

Step 4: Download / Refresh Data (Transaction Data, Items, Customers)

The next step after checking the QuickBooks connection is to download/refresh the data from scratch from QuickBooks into the Webgility application.

To do the same, please access Settings> Accounting.

If the ‘Posting Method’ is set as ‘Journal Entry’ please click on ‘Refresh QuickBooks Accounts’ and check if all the selections are correct:

You can also reference the below help article for Journal Entry settings:

If the ‘Posting Method’ is set as ‘Every Order individually as a Sales Receipt’ then need to follow the below steps:

1). Under the ‘Transactions’ tab click on ‘Refresh Settings’ and ‘Save

2). Under the ‘Products’ tab click on the drop-down and select ‘Refresh Latest Accounting Data’ and click on the ‘Refresh Icon’ next to it. Once done, please click on ‘Save

3). Similarly, under the ‘Customers’ tab need to perform the same steps.

4). Check and save the Discounts, Sales Tax, and Refunds settings.

Note: If you have QuickBooks Desktop connected with Webgility, after refreshing and saving the settings an additional step would be to right-click on the extension icon and click on ‘Manual Sync now’ option and wait for a few minutes.

If the orders are stuck in the Errors tab due to ‘Items not Found’ or ‘Item Matching or Mapping’ issue, then please reference the below help article:

If any help is needed with the transaction settings, we can reference the below help article as well:

For any further questions, please contact You can also go to to chat with our support team.

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