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403 - Forbidden Error

Error with WooCommerce Connection in Webgility Online

Virendra avatar
Written by Virendra
Updated over a week ago

What is 403 Forbidden Error?

The 403 Forbidden error is a standard HTTP status code indicating that the online store server understood the request, but refuses to authorize it. In the context of Webgility Online and WooCommerce, this error is mainly related to the permissions on the Webgility Store Module (installed at the store's backend) which doesn't have enough permissions.

Common Causes of 403 Forbidden Error:

Incorrect File or Directory Permissions: WooCommerce requires specific permissions for files and directories to function correctly. Incorrect permissions can lead to a 403 error.

Security Plugins or Firewall Restrictions: Security plugins or server firewalls may be overly aggressive, blocking legitimate requests to your WooCommerce site.

Incorrect Server Configuration: Server misconfigurations, such as improper mod_security settings or restrictive server rules, can result in a 403 error.

Plugin Conflicts: Incompatible or misconfigured plugins might conflict with WooCommerce, triggering the 403 Forbidden error.

Step-by-Step Guide to Fix Error:

Update Plugins:

  • The very first thing you need to make sure of is that your WooCommerce Store is running the latest version of the Webgility Store Module. You can verify this by running the Webgility Store Module URL on any Web browser. URL is available in Webgility Online by navigating to Settings > Connections > WooCommerce > click on Edit for your store > Update credentials > Webgility Store Module Address field. As soon as you run it, it will show you the version.

  • Now you can log in to your Webgility portal account by logging into the website "" and by navigating to Home > Downloads > Modules > SELECT STORE TYPE that is WooCommerce and there you will see the latest version available to download and now you can compare both the existing running and latest available to download.

  • If you are trying to upgrade the module then make sure to first deactivate and delete the existing Webgility Store Module from WooCommerce by logging in as admin and then navigating to Plugins > Webgility > Deactivate > Delete. Then you can download the latest version of the Webgility Store Module for WooCommerce from your Webgility Portal account and then install it with the help of the steps mentioned in this help article.

  • There might be a case where you are currently running a custom version of the Webgility Store Module which is notified by a "C" of "I" at the end of your module version when running the module URL on any Web browser. If this is the case then avoid upgrading the Webgility module directly and approach Webgility Support for further consultation.

Check File and Directory Permissions: Use an FTP client to verify and correct file and directory permissions.

  • Directories: 755

  • Files: 644

  • Ensure that the "wp-content" directory and its subdirectories are writable. "wp-content" is the directory location where the Webgility Store Module usually gets installed.

Manage Security Plugins: You can either disable or make an exception for the Webgility Store Module and its files in the additional security.

By following these steps, you should be able to identify and resolve the 403 Forbidden error in your WooCommerce store. If the problem persists, consider seeking assistance from your developer or a WooCommerce expert, or your store server manager for more personalized support.

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