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Errors Related to Webgility Store Module

Errors Related to Webgility Store Module

David Pond avatar
Written by David Pond
Updated over a week ago

Errors Related to Webgility Store Module

403 Forbidden Error: A "403 Forbidden" error is an HTTP status code that indicates that the server understands the request made by the client but refuses to fulfill it. This error is essentially a way for the server to tell the client that access to the requested resource is denied for some reason. The reasons for 403 Forbidden errors can include:

  • Insufficient Permissions

  • Authentication Required

  • IP Blocking

  • Directory Listing Disabled

  • Security Rules

503 Service Temporarily Unavailable: A "503 Service Temporarily Unavailable" is an HTTP status code that indicates that a web server is currently unable to handle the request because it is temporarily overloaded, undergoing maintenance, or experiencing other temporary issues. It suggests that the server, at that moment, cannot fulfill the client's request, but it is expected to become available again in the future. The reasons are as follows:

  • Server Overload

  • The server is on Maintenance Mode

  • Application Crashes

  • Resource Limitations

500 Internal Server Error: A "500 Internal Server Error" is a generic error message that the web server returns when it encounters an unexpected issue while trying to fulfill a request from a client. This error message is not specific about the nature of the problem but indicates that something has gone wrong on the server side during the request processing. Some of the Reasons are as follows:

  • Server Misconfiguration

  • Software Bugs

  • Insufficient Permissions

  • Resource Exhaustion

  • Database Issues

  • Third-Party Services

  • Security Issues

Follow the steps listed below to fix store module errors:

1). Verifying store connection In Webgility Desktop:

  • Go to "Integrations> Stores> Manage Stores" within Webgility.

  • Then click on the Action button for the required store that is facing the issue and then you will be able to access the Store connection settings.

  • Here you can modify the store module URL (by adding or removing the www, http, or https on the connection URL) then click on the Test Store Connection button and verify the connection is working.

2). Check for the latest store module versions:

  • Go to "Integrations> Stores> Manage Stores" within Webgility.

  • Then click on the Action button for the required store that is facing the issue to access the Webgility Store Module URL.

  • When you paste the store module URL in your browser, it will show you the version of the store module you are currently running at your store. You will also see all the other details like various PHP statuses, store compatibility, memory limit, etc. The version of the store module should be the latest one. If it is not, be sure to update it.

  • For updating the store module go to the Webgility Portal and log in with your credentials. Once logged in, under the "Downloads" section click on the Module symbol. Once done then look for the latest version of the store module and compare it with the one you are using. If an update is available, download and install it to ensure your module is current and bug-free.

  • For updating the store module you can ask your Web Developer to help. If you want us to perform the update then we will need the information mentioned below for your online store.

    • Store FTP and Store Admin login credentials.

NOTE: There may be a chance you are currently running a customized version of the Webgility Store Module. This can be recognized by the letter “C” in the version numbering of the Store Module. You can see this when viewing the store module URL on your web browser. It is recommended that you provide Webgility with your online store FTP and Store Admin login credentials so we can update your store module in order to retain your customization.

3). White List Webgility IPs:




4). Additional Conditions to check:

  • Check the store module permission on the server level (server .htaccess file), this will need to be done by your developer to make the store module accessible.

  • Are you using any cache plugin that is installed in the store? Examples include W3 Total Cache and WP Super Cache. If you are, you will need to clear the cache.

  • Are you using any security plugin that is installed in the store? Examples include iThemes security, Sucuri Security – Auditing Malware Scanner, Security Hardening, and Wordfence Security. If you are, your web developer will need to provide proper permissions to access the store module.

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