Group Items from QBs not Re-calculating Correct Quantity in Order to Sync at Sales Channel
Error Message:
Group items from QBs not re-calculating the correct quantity in order to sync at the Sales Channel.
When you post an order to QuickBooks and receive the above error message please perform the troubleshooting shown below.
1). In Webgility Desktop, navigate to Products> Settings> Sync Settings, enable the option "Calculate and sync group item quantity based on individual items at store” and click Save & Close.
2). Now click Products> Missing in Quickbooks> Product Presets, Check the box for “Get group product quantity as individual product quantity” and Save & Close.
3). Once done, click Integrations> Get latest data and settings, Click on the Download Data drop-down, and then click on Re-Download all data.
4). Again goto Products> Shopify> All Products, click on refresh and wait for the process to complete.
Now try to sync and let us know if you still need any assistance.