How to Export Orders, Store Products, Export, and Import Product Mappings in Webgility Online as CSV
Webgility Online makes it easy to see the details of your orders, store products, and product mappings by allowing you to export them as CSV files.
You can import the product mappings as well apart from exporting them.
In this article, we will show you how to export Orders, Store Products, and Product Mappings in just a few simple steps.
Exporting Orders
When orders are exported as CSV, the file contains all order and customer information, including shipping and billing addresses as well as email addresses.
This makes it easy to manage your orders and customer data in a spreadsheet or other software. To export your orders as a CSV file, simply follow these steps:
1. Log in to Webgility Online, here.
2. Navigate to Sales> Orders
3. Click on the export icon on the right, and refer to the video below.
4. You may choose to export Filtered Orders or All Orders.
5. Select the option you want, click on Export and your orders will be exported as a CSV file.
Exporting Store Products:
1. Log in to Webgility Online, here.
2. Navigate to Products> Products Catalog
3. Click on the export icon on the right to export your store products.
Export Product Mappings:
To export the product mappings, click on the second right export icon as shown in the video below.
Import Product Mappings:
To import your product mappings, click on the first icon to the right as shown below. This will allow you to easily import your previously exported mappings
By following these steps, you can easily organize, export, and analyze your order and product data with Webgility Online.