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How to Archive Orders

Learn how and why to archive orders in Webgility.

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Written by Webgility
Updated over a month ago

Discover the methods and reasons for archiving orders in Webgility.

Once an order has been successfully posted to QuickBooks and the tracking information is available in your store, it's important to move these orders to the Archive view in Webgility for easy future reference. The Archive view is designed for orders that have completed the entire workflow within Webgility. After archiving an order, you can easily access its details and history directly from the Archive view. This helps keep your order management organized and efficient.

How to Archive Orders

  1. Open the Webgility application (preferably the latest version 9.8.3 till date). Want to know about the latest update please click the: Update Webgility using check for updates option

  2. Navigate to the “New Orders” section and select the order in which you want to “archive”

  3. Once done please click on “more actions” as highlighted in the block and select “Archive order.”

  4. Once clicked a success prompt will appear stating “Order Successfully Archived.”

If you are looking to archive selected orders then,

A. Select the orders which you want to mark as archived

B. Right Click on any of the orders and a list of actionable items will appear, select “Move to Archived Tab”

C. This option would not give any success prompt instead it will directly move the orders to the “Archived tab.”

Steps Summary: Orders>Select orders>More actions> Archived


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