How to Troubleshoot Webgility Desktop Add-On Computer Connection Issue
This article describes the process of troubleshooting the issue where the Webgility application is installed on the add-on computer but is unable to connect with the database which is kept on the master computer (server).
Please note that the database is only installed on one computer which is the master computer (server) and all the add-on computers connect with the master computer to fetch the database. This means that all the add-on computers should be on the same LAN network.
Step 1: Verify
Verify if the add-on computer is on the same LAN network. (your local area network) **Skip to Step 2 if the add-on is using the same LAN Network.
a. Open Command Prompt on the add-on computer by typing ‘cmd’ in the search bar as shown below
b. Type ‘ipconfig’ and press on enter to grab the IP address of the add-on computer
c. Next, open the command prompt on the server computer and type in ‘ping IP address’
For example, ping
If the computer is on the same LAN network, the Lost percentage would be zero, as shown in the above screenshot.
Step 2: Activate SQL protocols
a. Now, on the server computer please access C:\Windows\SysWOW64, type ‘sql’ in the search box on the top right-hand side, and open ‘SQLServerManager whichever’ is available.
b. Please expand the menu using the dropdown for ‘SQL Server Network Configuration’ and choose ‘Protocols for WEBGILITY’ or ‘Protocols for UNIFY’ or the name the database was created with while installing the SQL Server.
Enable the status for all the protocols, namely ‘Shared Memory’ ‘Named Pipes’ and ‘TCP/IP’ by right-clicking on them individually.
Step 3: Add Inbound and Outbound rules if Windows Firewall is enabled
Perform the following steps on the server machine if the add-on user is getting an error while connecting to the SQL database:
Add Inbound Rules:
Adding TCP Port:
a. In the search bar please type in ‘Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security’ and click Open.
b. Please click on Inbound rules on the top left corner and click on ‘New Rule’
c. Click on ‘Port’ and click on ‘Next’
d. Keep the selection as ‘TCP’ enter 1433 in the ‘Specific Local Ports’ field and click on ‘Next’
e. Select the first option ‘Allow the connection’ and click on ‘Next’
f. Select all three options ‘Domain’ ‘Private’ ‘Public’ and click on ‘Next’
g. Name the port as ‘TCP PORT’ and click on ‘Finish’
Adding UDP Port:
a. Click on ‘Inbound Rules’ and ‘New Rule’
b. Click on ‘Port’ and click on ‘Next’
c. Keep the selection as ‘UDP’ and enter 1434 in the ‘Specific Local Ports’ field and click on ‘Next’
d. Select the first option ‘Allow the connection’ and click on ‘Next’
e. Select all three options ‘Domain’ ‘Private’ ‘Public’ and click on ‘Next’
f. Name the port as UDP PORT’ and click on ‘Finish’
Add Outbound Rules:
Note: The same steps described above need to be followed (adding TCP and UDP Ports) by selecting the ‘Outbound Rules’ option from the top left to complete the process.
1. Add Webgility Application in the exceptions list (Inbound and Outbound Rules)
a. Please click on Inbound rules on the top left corner and click on ‘New Rule’
b. Keep the selection ‘Program’ and click on ‘Next’
b. Select the option ‘Program Path’ choose the Webgility application (Unify) and click on open.
c. Select the first option ‘Allow the connection’ and click on ‘Next’
d. Select all three options ‘Domain’ ‘Private’ ‘Public’ and click on ‘Next’
e. Name the application as Unify.exe and click on Finish
Note: The same steps described above need to be followed under the option ‘Outbound Rules’ to add ‘Unify.exe’ in the OutBound Rules list.
Step 4: Restart SQL Services:
a. Type Services in the Windows search bar and click ‘Open’
b. Right-click on ‘SQL Server (Database Name)’ and restart the service. Similarly, right-click on the service ‘SQL Server Browser’ and restart the service
Note: The service ‘SQL Server Browser’ should be on ‘Network Mode’ and if it is not on network mode (running as a local service) please follow the steps below and then restart this service again.
Step 4. Move SQL Server Browser service on ‘Network Mode’
a. Right-click on ‘SQL Server Browser’ and click on ‘Properties’
b. Click on ‘Log On’ and then ‘Browse’
c. Type ‘Network’ and click on ‘Check Names’ button
d. The service will get updated as ‘Network Service’ or ‘Network’ then click on ‘OK’
e. Remove the password from both fields and click on Apply and OK.
f. Right-click and Restart the service which now will show on ‘Network Mode’
Steps to perform on the Add-On computer:
a. Launch the Webgility application and click on Login to open a ‘Database configuration Form’
b. Next, please choose ‘Connect Webgility database to an existing SQL Server’ and click on the dropdown arrow under ‘Locate SQL Server’, and then click on the ‘Browse For More’ option.
c. Select the correct instance name which would be a combination of the ‘server computer name/database name’ and choose the Authentication Method as ‘Use SQL Server Authentication’
d. Enter the Username as ‘sa’ and password ‘Webgility2011’ and click on Connect.
The above steps should connect the add-on computer with the database kept on the server computer. If these steps still do not work, please contact Webgility Support.