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eBay Store Item Download

eBay Store Item Download

David Pond avatar
Written by David Pond
Updated over a week ago

eBay Store Item Download


1). To download the items from eBay, you need to set the Item Listed Date under the Webgility setting. Navigate to Integrations> Accounting POS/ERP> Products> Settings and set the date for List from this date, set a back date, and click Save and Continue.

2). Navigate to Advanced Settings by following Integrations> Stores> Advanced Settings

3). Under Application navigate to the Last download date for Store Items, Click the Clear button, Save the settings, and close.

4). Next you will need to download the latest product data in Webgility from the product catalog by going to Products> All Product (under online store)> Refresh button.

Note: This process may take several minutes to complete. Once completed you will see a dialog box with the confirmation message.

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