1. Navigate to Integrations > Stores > Add New Store. You can skip this step if this is the first channel you are adding.
2. This will open the Add Store window, here please select the store type as WIX, enter your store name, and click Continue.
3. In the next window, enable the sales channel type store/restaurant as per your preference and click Connect to WIX
4. This will take you to the Wix login page on your browser. Go to the log-in option and enter your Wix credentials (login ID/email and password) to log in.
5. On the next page, you need to authorize the connection by clicking on Agree & Add. This will auto-generate the Instance ID.
6. Now, get back to the Webgility connection page. Click on Continue this page.
7. On the Store Address screen enter your store details such as company name, address, and contact, and hit Continue.
8. On the next screen, select the appropriate option for when you want to download the orders from Wix and click Save. Upon saving the store connection, Webgility will download some recent orders in Webgility and complete the connection process.