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Shipping Related
Unable to cast object type “wg.eCC.DTO.baseShippingRegistration” to type “wg.eCC.DTO.FedexClientDetailsDTO”
Unable to cast object type “wg.eCC.DTO.baseShippingRegistration” to type “wg.eCC.DTO.FedexClientDetailsDTO”

Unable to cast object type “wg.eCC.DTO.baseShippingRegistration”

David Pond avatar
Written by David Pond
Updated over a week ago

Unable to cast object type “wg.eCC.DTO.baseShippingRegistration” to type “wg.eCC.DTO.FedexClientDetailsDTO”

The reason for this error message is from the program attempting to cast an object of type "wg.eCC.DTO.baseShippingRegistration" to a type "wg.eCC.DTO.FedexClientDetailsDTO", which is not possible. This error usually occurs when the program is trying to assign an object of the wrong type to a variable or parameter of a specific type.

The most common cause of this error is that the program is expecting an object of type "FedexClientDetailsDTO," but it is receiving an object of type "baseShippingRegistration," which is not compatible with the type expected by the program.

To resolve this error, you will need to ensure that the object being cast is of the correct type. You can do this by checking the code and ensuring that the correct object is being assigned to the variable or parameter. Additionally, you can modify the code to handle the incorrect object type or modify the code to ensure that the correct object type is passed.

Overall, this error message indicates a typecasting error, and the cause and resolution will depend on the specific context in which the error is occurring.

Error Message


1). Navigate to Integrations> Shipping> Stamps in the Webgility Software.

2). Click on "Test the connection" and then "Save and continue".

3). Navigate to "Shipping Rule (for Stamps)" and verify that all settings are correct, save & close.

4). Try processing the shipment again.

If you encounter any issues during this process, please do not hesitate to contact our support team for help.

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