NetSuite Menu Guide
The following information will help you find different options and menus required for Webgility Desktop integration with NetSuite.
Enable 2 FA in NetSuite
Go to Setup> Company> Enable-Feature
Go to Suite Cloud
Go to Manage Authentication and check TBA and Save
Assign Full Access to a User
Create a New user or user existing user
Go to List> Employee
Select User and Go to Role to assign full access
Generate Consumer and secret key
Go to Setup> Integration> Manage Integration
Select Existing or Create New
Save keys
Generate token id and token secret key
Go to setup> User Role> Access token
Select Existing or Create New
Save key
Get Account ID
Go to Setup> Integration> Web service preference
Save Account ID
Transaction settings
Go to Setup > Company > Classifications > Departments
Go to List> Accounts
Go to setup> Account> Account List
Auto Generate Customer ID
Go to Setup> Company> Auto Generate Number
Search Customer in NetSuite
Go to the List> Relationship> Customer
Search Item in NetSuite
Go to the List> Account> Item
Custom fields are available in three level transaction item and customer
Go to the customization> form> transaction form
Setup Tax and Tax Group
Go to setup> company> tax
Setup Permission issue
Go to Customization> Form> Transaction Form
Select Template and click on Edit
Go to Screen field> Main and enable the field for display on transaction templates
Check the NetSuite log
Go to Setup> Integration> Web services usage log