How to Manually Import an Amazon Settlement Report into Webgility Online
To manually import an Amazon settlement report, you need to download the settlement report from the Amazon seller central account. It should be downloaded in the Flat File V2 format.
1. Log in to your Seller Central Account.
2. Navigate to Reports > Payments > All Statements
3. Select "Download Flat File V2" for the relevant Settlement Period, and proceed to save the file to a designated folder on your computer.
4. After downloading the Flat File V2 for the settlement report, proceed to manually import it into Webgility Online. Return to Webgility Online and Navigate to the Settlement Report Tab from the left panel.
5. Afterward, select the option for manual import by clicking on the highlighted icon labeled "Import Reports."
6. Use the Browse option to upload the downloaded Flat File V2 and click Import.
7. After the successful import of the settlement report, it will appear in the "Not Posted" tab.
8. Finally, select the Settlement Reports and click the "Post to QuickBooks" option to post the settlement report to QuickBooks Online.